On ladies' night you get a 30 min game card for every woman. You also receive 25% apps of your choosing. The game card does not win prices or receive tickets.
On ladies' night you get a 30 min game card for every woman. You also receive 25% apps of your choosing. The game card does not win prices or receive tickets.
This is the link to sign up below. You can also go to our Facebook page, and it will take you directly to the link. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/848743894837?aff=oddtdtcreator
On ladies' night you get a 30 min game card for every woman. You also receive 25% apps of your choosing. The game card does not win prices or receive tickets.
On ladies' night you get a 30 min game card for every woman. You also receive 25% apps of your choosing. The game card does not win prices or receive tickets.
On ladies' night you get a 30 min game card for every woman. You also receive 25% apps of your choosing. The game card does not win prices or receive tickets.
On ladies' night you get a 30 min game card for every woman. You also receive 25% apps of your choosing. The game card does not win prices or receive tickets.